Wednesday 15 May 2013

Love the Skin you're in

There’s a lot of talk in the media news today, concerning the growing number of children apparently having cosmetic surgery for facial imperfections.
It’s been quoted that 68% of parents would gladly encourage their children to have cosmetic surgery on their faces in order to avoid bullying!

I find this revelation quite shocking and horrifying! Obviously bullying should never be tolerated. I think that goes without saying. However, surely we are pandering to the bullies and to the shallowness of our society if we send out the message to our children that they will only be accepted if they have “perfect” faces?

In my opinion, individuality of looks is something to be proud of and embraced. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not obtained from a photo-fit catalogue of some shallow preconception of what is defined as uniform beauty! The world would be a truly boring and uninspirational place if we all strived to look exactly the same.

I remember an incident some 15 years ago when my eldest son was a newborn baby. I was proudly showing off my beautiful new baby in the crèche at the gym that I attended: Another mother noticed the tiny, insignificant red birthmark on his forehead, looked at me sympathetically and exclaimed, “Oh dear, you do realise that you can get that mark removed by laser treatment, don’t you? I took my son as soon as he was old enough. It only took about 4 laser sessions to correct his. I assume you’ll be taking him to your doctor to get him treated as soon as possible?” I won’t tell you what my reply was. This is a family blog, after all. Suffice to say, that the silly woman was left in no doubt as to what I thought of her unwelcome and ridiculously narrow-minded opinions!

My son’s little birthmark was, and still is, a unique feature of his beautiful face. It has faded over the years anyway and is barely even noticeable. However, it has never been an issue anyway, even if it hadn’t faded, and he has never been in any doubt as to how much we love him… and his face! Incidentally, he also walked into a door frame, as a toddler, and, although it wasn’t noticed at the time, it has left him with a nose that’s not quite as straight as it started out! However, this hasn’t spoiled his good looks either and he has absolutely no problems attracting the ladies as he matures!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t consider surgical enhancement if your child suffers a disfiguring accident or illness. I just don’t think we should be constantly striving for a “perfection” appearance that absolutely does not exist anyway.

Look in the mirror now. Yes, go on, I dare you! are beautiful simply because you are you, and there is no one else who looks exactly like you.

You are unique. Sure, you might have a spot on the end of a nose that may have taken a knock in its time, a few wrinkles that weren’t there the last time you looked, and one eyebrow slightly higher than the other: What does that matter?

Chances are, if you are reading this now, you’re a less-than-perfect-looking mum, like me. However, you are guaranteed to have been told how beautiful you are, at least once in your life.

Remember that little miniature person who jumped on you as you crawled out of bed this morning? You probably thought you looked a wreck with your un-combed hair, bleary eyes, and pillow-creased face! Well, believe that lovely little person who gave you that slobbery kiss and blurted out “I love you Mummy, you are the most beautiful mummy in the whole universe.”

Who needs perfection?

Individuality and personal flaws are so much more interesting and endearing.

It’s the people who love the faces we were born with , that make us beautiful and perfect, anyway, and not the cosmetic surgeons.

Written by Bev.

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